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Showing posts from December 19, 2019

Conflict and Social Media

Social media has changed the way we interact; we are able to voice our opinion and with-it conflict has increased. With so many social media outlets we can discuss, voice our opinions and shout at each other. We tend to become more courageous and outrageous on social media whilst hiding behind our computers or mobile phones. With this barrier we feel empowered and entitled to speak out on social media, often without understanding the full impact of our actions. When we are enraged, we might type messages in the heat of the moment and post them on social media which we might later regret. Once it is out there it is hard to get back. Social media is certainly not the place to resolve conflict, it is unfortunately a place where conflict is created. Social media is a great platform to voice opinion and communicate instantly across the world it is however important to realise the traps that we can all fall into. Before you post something make sure it is respectful and