Have you ever been in a difficult negotiation where you did something or reacted to something in the heat of the moment and regretted it not long after? Perhaps you overreacted and said something or did something that was absolutely irrational? Later on you and those around you wondered what had just happened. The consequences might have been terrible, a missed opportunity perhaps? You were hijacked by your emotions and reacted in an irrational outburst. Such outbursts can have substantial damage to your reputation, career and negotiation outcome. It is therefore important to understand what is occurring to our brains in these situations and how to be in charge of these amygdala hijacks. The term ‘amygdala hijack’ was created by Daniel Goleman who has written many books on emotional intelligence. The emotional part of our brain is the amygdala where our fight or flight response resides. When we are under threat our body is flooded with stress hormones and the amygdala reacts i...
You can negotiate anything, even the impossible. This blog provides hands on tips and tools that can be applied immediately for immediate results.