Selling and negotiating are two very different skills that require a different skill sets and need to be applied at different stages throughout the negotiation process. People often confuse selling with negotiating. The fundamental difference is that when you sell you create demand and when you negotiate you make money! Selling is all about convincing the customer that they need the product or service by talking about the features and benefits of the product or service. Selling is about convincing, persuading, justifying and explaining why the product or service is the one the customer needs. Negotiation on the other hand is about agreeing to the terms of the deal. Once the need has been established and the sale has been concluded the negotiation can begin. A skilled negotiator asks effective questions to gain valuable information and listens carefully to what the other party has to say as the insights can then be used in the negotiation. If you fal...
You can negotiate anything, even the impossible. This blog provides hands on tips and tools that can be applied immediately for immediate results.