Heuristics are cognitive shortcuts that help us make everyday decisions quickly and without too much thought. While it is good to make quick decisions in special circumstances, it can also be counterproductive when dealing with complex negotiation situations. It is a mechanism to protect us from an overstimulated environment and to enable us to act rationally. When we make quick decisions we tend to make mistakes and on reflection we often believe we could have made a better decision. The „Validity Effect“ describes another cognitive shortcut, in which a statement is more likely considered to be true after it has been repeated numerous times. Studies have shown that a claim during a commercial is considered more credible if it had been mentioned during the advertisement numerous times. In negotiations the „Validity Bias“ may affect the perceived credibility of our statements and those of our counterpart . For instance, as we consent with the other party thre...
You can negotiate anything, even the impossible. This blog provides hands on tips and tools that can be applied immediately for immediate results.